If you would like to give to Gogo Olive financially then you can make a one off or monthly donation via our page on Give as you Live – it is simple and secure! Please click on the button below..

We would love to invite you further into the Gogo Olive family and invite you to become a Friend of Gogo Olive. You can do this by making a monthly donation by standing order. To say thank you we will send you:
- a unique shamwari, handmade in Zimbabwe and exclusive to signed up ‘friends’
- a ‘friends of’ certificate
- a supporter’s key ring
- a newsletter sent twice a year by post or e-mail
- a thank you Christmas card.
If you would like to become a ‘Friend’ please fill in the below form..
If you would like your donation to be used in a specific area, please can you indicate this in the ‘Leave a message’ section on the Virgin Giving site. Or go to the ‘Contact Us’ section (found in the footer) and send us a message under the ‘I want to know how my donation is been used’ subject heading and we are very happy to keep in touch with you about this. Transparency is very important to us and we want you to share in the joy of knowing how you are changing lives!
Thank you very much, we really appreciate your support and you have played an important part in enabling Gogo Olive to continue and develop.