Gogo Olive is a Scottish Charity SC041281. We have a board of Trustees based in Scotland who do a great job of fundraising throughout the year. As well as this we receive monthly and one-off donations from individuals and families from around the world. This all plays an important part in enabling this project to function. The money raised and donated is spent in a number of different ways:

- We have an emergency fund that the ladies have access to, it has proven to be an invaluable resource on a number of occasions – please look at the testimonials section to read more about how this money has been used.
- It allows us to continue and develop our work in the Mutare Remand Prison, training new ladies in knitting and providing weekly refreshments for the inmates. We have even been able to carry out some much needed maintenance work within the prison, allowing the female inmates to have a better quality of life.
- It funds educational workshops. Due to many of our knitters not having had the benefit of school education they look forward too and value these workshops. Examples of some of workshops we have already carried out are, HIV/AIDS awareness, Healthy Nutrition, Single Parenting, Budgeting, Foundations for Farming and Product Design.
- We have a few fun days and parties throughout the year. We love seeing the ladies having the opportunity to have fun, many of them have a lot of responsibility in their lives so it’s great to see them let their hair down! These days usually include singing, dancing, party games, food and drink and plenty of laughter. For many of the ladies they talk about these as some of their favourite times at Gogo Olive.
- It allows us to offer the ladies interest free loans. It is very difficult in Zimbabwe to access any extra money so by giving our ladies this opportunity it can mean taking them a step closer to being able to achieve their dreams like owning a house or making sure their children get a good education.
If you would like your donation to be used in a specific area, please can you indicate this in the ‘Leave a message’ section on the Virgin Giving site. Or go to the ‘Contact Us’ section (found in the footer) and send us a message under the ‘I want to know how my donation is been used’ subject heading and we are very happy to keep in touch with you about this. Transparency is very important to us and we want you to share in the joy of knowing how you are changing lives!
Thank you very much, we really appreciate your support and you have played an important part in enabling Gogo Olive to continue and develop.